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Roozen, H.G., Boulogne, J.J., Van Tulder, M.W., Van den Brink, W., De Jong C.A.J., & Kerkhof A.J.F.M. (2004). A systematic review of the effectiveness of the Community Reinforcement Approach in alcohol, cocaine and opioid addiction. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 74: 1-13. |
Roozen, H.G., van Beers, S.E.C., Weevers, H.J.A., Breteler, M.H.M., Willemsen, M.C., Postmus, P.E., and Kerkhof, A.J.F.M. (2006). Effects on smoking cessation: naltrexone combined with a cognitive behavioral treatment based on the Community Reinforcement Approach. Substance Use & Misuse, 41: 1-16. |
De Jong, C.A.J., Roozen, H.G., Krabbe, P.F.M., Van Rossum, L.G.M., Kerkhof, A.J.F.M., (2007). High abstinence rates in heroin addicts by a new comprehensive treatment approach. American Journal on Addictions, 16(2):124-30. |
Roozen, H.G., Wiersema, H., Strietman, M., Feij, J.A., Lewinsohn, P.M., Meyers, R.J., Koks, M., & Vingerhoets, J.J. (2008). Development and psychometric evaluation of the pleasant activities list. American Journal on Addictions. 17(5):422-35. |
Roozen, H.G., Evans, B.E., Wiersema, H., & Meyers, R.J. (2009). The Influence of Extraversion on Preferences and Engagement in Pleasant Activities in Patients with Substance Use Disorders: One Size Fits All? Journal of Behavior Analysis in Health, Sports, Fitness and Medicine. 2(1):55-66. |
Roozen, H.G., Blaauw, E., & Meyers, R.J. (2009). Advances in Management of Alcohol Use Disorders and Intimate Partner Violence: Community Reinforcement and Family Training. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. Vol. 16, Supplement, S74-S80. |
Roozen, H.G. (2009) Legitimizing the medical prescription of money: a comment on DeFulio. Addiction, 104(9): 1539-1540. |
Roozen, H.G., de Waart, R., & van der Kroft, P. (2010). Community reinforcement and family training: an effective option to engage treatment-resistant substance-abusing individuals in treatment. Addiction, 105(10):1729-38. |
Meyers, R.J., Roozen, H.G., & Smith, J.E. (2011). The Community Reinforcement Approach: An Update of the Evidence. Alcohol Research & Health, 33(4):380-388. |